Morning and Gym are definitely BFF

Julien Piatek
2 min readSep 22, 2018

You know what? One month ago I would never trust you if you said me I would write a post like this one day.

I am not a morning person, and tired of reading morning routine guru saying that successful people get up at 5am, cook and eat breakfast with tons of things you never heard of, run 10 miles, meditates, etc etc. For people like me who wakes up after the 10th alarm in a hurry, eats a piece of bread and go to work, that’s not achievable instantly. That’s bullshit.

But if you are busy at work, with not so much time and energy for yourself the evening, you have to give some attention to the morning.

What has the morning so special ?

  • You are rested and your energy level is higher than the evening after work
  • People are still sleeping or busy to prepare themselves for going to work

Going to the gym in the morning allows you to leverage its benefits :

  • Nobody at the bench press, woah.
  • Plenty of energy to push yourself at your maximum.
  • You can still plan to do something after work without worrying if it’s a gym day or not.
  • You go to work with a feeling of accomplishment. Felicitate yourself, you already done something of your day. That will gives you momentum to achieve much.

Of course, going to the gym is not the only thing you can do to leverage the morning benefits. Do whatever you think has to be done to make your day more Zen 😎



Julien Piatek

Passionated about tech and the future we can build with it.